Frequently Asked Questions About Region 9

Listed below are answers to questions we frequently encounter at the Region 9 soccer fields. Other FAQs can be found on the AYSO National Website via the FAQ (National) link above.

Q: Can I bring my dog or pet to the soccer fields?

A: No. Our "Facility Use Rules" do not permit pets of any kind at this site, even if they are on a leash. (As a Permitted User at Conejo Creek South, our organization's rules take precedence over the posted general CRPD park rules). However, service animals (and service animals in training) are permitted provided they are properly identified.

The main reason for no dogs on the field is the safety of the children. We have had children bitten by dogs, even those on a leash. If a dog gets loose, it could potentially interfere with a game, bite someone or cause other injuries (such as someone tripping over it). We cannot make any exceptions because if we allow even one, non-service dog then we must allow all dogs.