Region 9 Coaches “This Week at the Creek”


2013 Week (3) "Week at the Creek"

*** Coaches forward this to your assistants ***


Does AYSO have an email/text/twitter policy between coaches and players?

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YES! One of the goals of Safe Haven is to protect children from abuse – as well as ensuring transparency in 

all volunteer/player communications AND maintaining safe boundaries between players and volunteers.


            ALL communications as a result of AYSO activity MUST be sent to parents (who can forward 

to their children if necessary).  This includes voicemails, emails, texts, blogs, and twitter communications.


The complete policy is at Resources/ SafeHavenElectronicCommunicationandSocialMediaPolicy.pdf

ASK about this if there are any questions !!


Need volunteers this weekend!


     Our fields director (Doug) resigned over the past week and besides helping on fields his work in the snack bar will be sorely missed. Our Board members are strapped to cover all the bases so if you, your assistant, or any other adult “live wire” can give us some help, check at the volunteer canopy or snack bar this weekend to put in an hour or two. Thanks !




WATCH for details of this fun event coming Sunday, October 6th !!



See you on the fields!


Tom Becker

Region 9 Coaching Director